Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How I Met My Doppelgänger

One of the many fine television programs Karen and I watched during my fortnight in Texas was How I Met Your Mother. It's her favorite show, so it was a no-brainer that we'd watch at least some, but since both she and I believe in treating the people who make the series right, we decided to watch it from the start and work through it sequentially. It's been slow going, but awfully rewarding.

One of the things you get to see when you follow this method is the development of the series' voice, the way in which it slowly finds its groove and, if its talent is strong enough, settles into it. Such is the case with HIMYM, but I have not gotten far enough to really see it reach that point yet.

Nevertheless, Karen treats me occasionally with wonderful snippets from later episodes, just so I know what I'm missing. And today, she shared with me a speech from the most recent episode, delivered by Marshall (portrayed by the incomparable Jason Segel), that she insisted captured me in an eerily accurate way.

I watched the video and, I have to say, I agree.

Aww. Look at you. Had a girlfriend for five minutes and think you can play with the big boys. Adorable. Son, I’ve been in a relationship since you had a ponytail and were playing Dave Matthews on your momma’s Casio. I’m a good boyfriend in my sleep. I can rock a killer foot rub with one hand and brew a kickass pot of chamomile in the other that would make you weep. Hell, I’ve forgotten more about microwaving fat-free popcorn and watching Sandra Bullock movies than you’ll ever know. But thanks for your concern, rook.

All of which is a roundabout way of saying that, yes, I do believe I will be seeing this series through to its end. What can I say? It speaks to me.


Unknown said...

Who the hell plays Dave Matthews on a Casio?

Beth said...

It is a great series, one of our fav's that I just caught up on before this season started so I could watch it with Mike. Love it :)

DLagace said...
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DLagace said...

Wait til the Naked Man. It works 2/3 of the time. (Also, I don't appreciate blgospot's unwillingness to let me edit a post when I make a mistake. So....yeah)