Monday, July 21, 2008

Open for Business!

Welcome to A Tournament of Lies!

There's not much here yet, but feel free to poke around, make yourself comfortable, and take a gander around my other, more spare, less furnished corner of the Internet.

Here you will find me muse on things far different from those you're used to from A Rapturous Verbatim. Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen, but I sure hope you enjoy what I try to do here.

One of my goals here, I confess, is brevity. And in the interest of proving that I'm committed to brevity, anyone who wants to know more about why I need another place to blather on stupidly should be directed here, where all your questions will be answered.

Let the dual-voiced mayhem begin!


Laura said...

Hey great, another blog for you to eventually neglect =)

Liss said...

Welcome to a new virtual home to complement the real-live one--all the best to you in both! Can't wait to keep reading. :)