Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Campaign Commercial Song Fail?

A less caustic observation made while watching tonight's debate:

ABC News has selected a recent Matchbox Twenty single to play over their commercials for further political coverage. As they show glimmering, smiling images of the candidates, they play the chorus on repeat: Let's see how far we've come! Let's see how far we've come!

Moving and inspiring, for sure. Good thing they didn't play the line that comes directly before that one:

I believe the world is burning to the ground!
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out!

Eep. That's not so good. Surely the second half of the chorus has a more uplifting message, right?

I believe the world is coming to an end!
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend!

Guess ABC News didn't realize just how appropriate their choice of song was to our current situation...


Danielle said...

That's about as oblivious as when they use "Every Breath You Take" as the background for romance...except politically charged so clearly funnier...right?

Dave said...

Precisely! Because we all know nothing says I love you like creepy stalker activity!

That pesky context. Psht!