Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fill in the Blank

Fuck ______.

1) The United States Postal Service. Maybe I'm directing this towards the wrong party, because Tower "aren't they defunct?" Records is the site that shipped my stuff out, but I don't understand how anything that is shipped on September 30 can't arrive on October 7.

I've been waiting for the new Margot & the Nuclear So and So's albums, Animal! and Not Animal, for months now. I figured if I ordered them a week before their release date, they might end up on my doorstep in time. But no.

And not only "no," but apparently I can't track the packages once they leave Tower's warehouse because, according to their shipping FAQs, the USPS doesn't have tracking numbers on what Tower ships. I'm not sure I believe this (because I've used USPS tracking numbers before), but the bottom line is my discs are floating around somewhere and I have no way of checking to see where they are. This angers me.

2) Pennsylvania. I know I've said this quite a bit, but I really do have a legitimate explanation for this one.

As a direct result of my inability to get something shipped expediently, I have considered the possibility of going out to a store and purchasing Animal! and Not Animal, just so I can listen to them now. (I'd sell the shipped copies at some later point down the line -- and I know that's not a financially feasible decision, but just let me go on here.) Unfortunately, when I check the Best Buy website and try to order Not Animal for in-store pick-up, I quickly get told that no store within a 100 mile radius of State College has the disc in store.

However, when you type in my ZIP code in New Jersey, all seven stores that come up seem to stock it. How curious! Why can't I go home yet?

3) The debate. This is maddening as fuck. I understand that the whole thing is scripted, and that's the problem. Listening to Tom Brokaw prattling on about how they're not following the rules should be the most irritating part about watching this. Instead, I'm just pissed that no one will directly answer a fucking question. And we wonder why the voting populace is so goddamn ignorant.

Oh, and John...I'm not your damn friend! Stop calling me one!

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