Why is it snowing in State College?
I understand that we're in the middle of two substantive mountain ranges, and thus get all the crappy weather funneled our way. I also understand that it's snowing in both Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
However, it's also
the end of fucking October.
I'm no crazy hippie environmental guy, but anyone who's looking at this and can honestly say that global warming isn't happening needs to see a proctologist stat because they're full of shit. Fall lasted for about, oh, three weeks. Tops. It's already too bitterly cold for a fall coat, and, oh yes,
there's snow accumulating on lawns right now.I had a friendly wager with some of my fellow students over when the first accumulating snowfall would come. I had November 24, and I was willing to concede that I was going to be a little too late. But
four weeks late? Really?
Methinks Mother Nature needs to lay off the crystal meth.
um, 4 weeks not 4 months, and it's the end of October not the middle... November starts on Saturday :P
I'm sure PA snowiness is a little different than some areas, but it's not all that unheard of to be trick or treating in the snow in many places... I've seen it snow quite a bit earlier than the end of October before. The year I roomed with a student from Thailand she experienced the first snowfall of her life around October 15th.
Clearly, my rage was blinding my editorial skills. Fixed and fixed.
I still think nearly two months before the start of winter is an unacceptable start for accumulation. We're technically still closer to summer than to winter. Doesn't that count for anything anymore?
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