Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why Is Twitter So Damn Addictive?

At the risk of stepping on the toes of I Hate Everything, I have to lodge an only-kinda-sorta-serious complaint.

At its core, the concept of Twitter explicitly exacerbates our current cultural communication breakdown. People don't think through things, they just type out short bursts. Everyone follows one another instead of, you know, actually talking to each other. And it reinforces our attachment to technology at the expense of the real world: when it's so easy to post, you never know when someone important (broadly defined, of course) is going to say something that you'll clearly want to read.

And yet, like a car wreck, I just can't turn away from it.

Thus why I'm posting here. Because even though this blog is specifically designed for my less-well-thought-out ideas, I would probably need to tweet at least 9 times to get the entire content of this post onto my Twitter. (I just word counted it. Because I'm a sad, sad little man.)

But while I'm at it, you know...go check out my Twitter. And follow me too. You wouldn't want to miss out on any of my useless ramblings, would you?

I fear I'm a hopeless case.


Charles said...

No, Dave.

Danielle said...

Charles, I feel like I should remove some of the blame from Dave. He would have been living a happy twitter-free life if i hadn't vented my disappointment at myself for giving in and signing up to him. Peer pressure and all that.

Dave said...

In fairness, I was pretty on the fence for a while. It's not like I just suddenly gave it because all the cool kids were doing it.

Danielle said...

A) cool kids? i see no cool kids, just us...well cait is cool, but she joined later.
B) jeez i was trying to save you some respect in the eyes of charles, who is, in fact, one of the cool kids.